• Chemspec Prekleen Enzyme Soil Lifter 4 x 2.7Kg Tub

Chemspec Prekleen Enzyme Soil Lifter 4 x 2.7Kg Tub

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Prekleen Enzyme Soil Lifter Highly effective enzymatic carpet pre-spray for grease, blood and any protein based soil.

Use as an initial pre-soak for old urine or coffee wick-back stains. Use before hot water extraction. 

Prekleen Enzyme Soil Lifter Highly effective enzymatic carpet pre-spray for grease, blood and any protein based soil.

Use as an initial pre-soak for old urine or coffee wick-back stains. Use before hot water extraction. 

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Product Tags: Chemspec Prekleen Enzyme Soil Lifter is a highly effective concentrated pre-spray for hard to remove grease, blood and all protein based soils

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